Who can I contact if sexual abuse is occurring in my family?
Maybe you yourself have been exposed to something that may be difficult to talk about, such as sexual activities with a parent, sibling, or another relative. Or maybe you have involved a family member in sexual activities. In that case you can read more about what to do here.
Where can I get help?
Your municipality: Your municipality makes sure that something is done if you experience sexual abuse within your family. It’s a good idea to contact the municipality together with an adult you trust,such as your teacher or one of your friends’ parents. You are also welcome to call your municipality yourself. If you are in doubt about how you are supposed to contact your municipality, you can call the Children’s Line (Børnetelefonen) at 116 111. The Børnetelefonen counselors can help you with how to get in touch with your municipality.
Children’s Line (Børnetelefonen): You can phone and receive anonymous help and counseling from counselors who are used to helping children and young people who are struggling. Here, you can get help with how you can talk with an adult about your problems. Call Børnetelefonen at 116 111, or read more at their website bornetelefonen.dk.
An adult at your school: If you tell your teacher, student counselor, or someone else from your school about what is going on, they are obliged to help you. In other words - you are entitled to their help.
Another adult you are comfortable with: This could be one of your friends’ parents or an adult you know from one of your recreational activities, like a coach. Tell them you need to talk and tell them what’s going on in your family.
The police: You haven’t done anything wrong and the police will not get mad at you. But the police can help you stop the sexual abuse. You can write to them via their website - click on 'sex crimes' (seksualforbrydelser). Remember to write how they can contact you, such as your address or phone number.