Where can I get treatment if I’m under age 18?

There are three nationwide initiatives in Denmark that offer assessment and treatment for young people with sexual thoughts about children.

The Seba Project in Aalborg

Address: Gemmavej 17B, 9200 Aalborg SV,

Read more on Projekt Seba's website

You can call 31 99 04 94, if you have any questions about referrals or if you are in doubt about anything else.

The Counseling Center in Aarhus (RådgivningsCenteret)

Address: Marselis Boulevard 179, 8000 Aarhus C

Read more on Rådgivningscentret's website.

Call 89 40 11 00 or send an email to rc@msb.aarhus.dk.

The Janus Center (Januscentret) in Copenhagen and Odense

Address in Copenhagen: Falkoner Allé 7, 1.sal, 2000 Frederiksberg

Address in Odense: Vestergade 48, 4. th., 5000 Odense C

Read more on Januscentret's website.

You can call or write to the Janus Center at 33 69 03 69 or info@januscentret.dk and receive anonymous and confidential counseling.

Private help and treatment
You can of course also see a private psychologist. This does not require a referral from your doctor, but it costs money that you have to pay yourself.