Can I engage in sexual activity with people under 15 if they want to?
The age of sexual consent
In Denmark, the age of sexual consent is 15 years. That means that it is illegal to have sexual intercourse or other sexual relations with a child under age 15—and this applies both online and offline. If you break this law, you can be punished with imprisonment. The punishment will be longer if the person you have sex with is under age 12. This is because all sexual contact with persons under age 12 is considered rape.
This law is intended to protect children under age 15 from sexual exploitation and contact from persons who are significantly older than they are.
Sex between peers
The law does not say anything about when you may start having sex. Two peers under age 15 are allowed to have sex with each other if they both want to.
If the age difference becomes too great, however, the person over age 15 can be convicted. For example, a 19-year-old man has been convicted for having sex with his 14-year-old girlfriend.
Do you find the law confusing? Do you find it difficult to understand the “sexual age of consent”? 'Age of consent' specifically refers to when we as a society assess that a person is old enough to be able to consent to sex. If you are significantly older than the person under 15 with whom you want to have sex, then it’s illegal. Because regardless of whether the child her-/himself wants to have sex, their consent does not apply legally.