Why do some people have sexual thoughts about children?
We know that many of our emotions are formed from experiences early in our lives. This also applies to sexual feelings. We also know that, for example, adults with sexual fantasies and sexual contact with children have been exposed to abusive experiences or sexual abuse in their childhood to a greater extent than the rest of the population.
Many who feel attracted to children report that they have felt this way since they were teenagers. They may have experienced that their sexual attraction to peers stopped at a certain age. Although they themselves are getting older, their age preference does not increase.
Some may feel that they can better be themselves when they are with children, and they experience a stronger emotional bond with children than with peers. People who feel sexually attracted to children often wish they didn’t feel that way. They may find it difficult to talk to anyone about it.
How many people have sexual thoughts about children?
We don't know how many people have sexual thoughts about children, but studies suggest that around 1% of adults do so. The figure is slightly higher when you include adults who have sexual thoughts about both children and about adults.
In most studies, only men have been examined. We therefore do not know what the figure is for women.
What are the consequences of having sexual thoughts about children?
Some experience their sexual thoughts and feelings about children as frightening, confusing, and shameful. If you discover that you are sexually attracted to children, it can make your life difficult. This can mean that you don’t dare to talk to others about your thoughts. It can also mean that you experience restlessness and anxiety. Some even have suicidal thoughts.
What can I do?
Remember that you didn’t ask for the thoughts and feelings you experience. You can get help to deal with your feelings so that you don’t act on the attraction and harm children. When you can manage your thoughts, you will often feel better about yourself.
See also these articles:
What are compulvise sexual thoughs about children?
Compulsive thoughts are repetitive, ongoing, stressful thoughts that you have a hard time getting rid of for a longer period.
What is a pedophile?
A doctor would say that pedophilia is a diagnosis for people over 16 who are primarily sexually attracted to children who have not reached puberty.