What are compulsive thoughts about sex with children?

Having compulsive thoughts about sex with children is different from being sexually attracted to children.

Compulsive thoughts about sex with children are often unpleasant thoughts about engaging in something sexual with or against a child. Compulsive thoughts may be thoughts that you are actively thinking, or thoughts that fill your head without you feeling any sense of control.

If you have compulsive thoughts about sex with children, think about what characterizes you most accurately:

a) Are you sexually aroused by thoughts of children?
b) Do you have recurring thoughts about sex with children which do not sexually arouse you?

If you are not sexually aroused when thinking about children but experience recurring thoughts that are difficult to get rid of, you may have compulsive thoughts about children.

People who have compulsive thoughts about sex with children may fear that they will act upon their thoughts. Thoughts like these can be very frightening, and one may fear that one loses control and inflicts harm on others.

A person with compulsive thoughts may also engage in compulsive behavior such as repeated handwashing, counting things or always having to do things in a certain way. In the short term, compulsions may reduce the anxiety and the unpleasantness a person feels. However, compulsions are a part of the anxiety disorder known as OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder).

No matter if you are sexually aroused by thoughts of children or experience compulsive thoughts, these thoughts may feel shameful and unpleasant.

Fortunately, it is possible to get help if you experience compulsive thoughts or compulsions. If you suspect having compulsive thoughts, you can talk to your doctor in order to get a referral for treatment. You may also find treatment at private clinics. The treatment may be therapeutic or medicinal.

If you are sexually aroused when thinking about children, you may talk to your doctor at first, but you will need a different kind of help.

Read more about sexual thoughts about children.

Read more about how you can talk to your doctor about sexual thoughts about children.